Mentha piperita propiedades medicinales pdf files

Yerbabuena mentha piperita zanahoria daucus carota glosario. Embedding fonts in pdf from microsoft word 2007 and later. Peppermint is quite frequently contaminated with spearmint and in one instance the leaves of belladonna were found. Peppermint has a wide variety of health and medicinal uses. The peppermint oil can cause heartburn or perianal irritation, and is contraindicated in patients with bile duct obstruction, gallbladder inflammation and severe liver damage, and caution should be taken in patients with gi reflux. This plant may be known by one or more common names in different places, and some are listed above.

Pdf evaluation of hepatoprotective potential of mentha. Leaves are opposite, toothed and hairy on the underside. The morphology of mentha piperita and other species of mentha are discussed by eriksson in b. Peppermint has an antispasmodic effect that soothes stomachaches and is effective in colic and flatulence. If you choose to embed the fonts in your publisher file, check carefully. Of all the mints, peppermint mentha piperita is the most widely used due to its high content of menthol. Quien no ha usado alguna vez menta en su bebida, comida o en infusion. Conozca las plantas medicinales menta mentha piperita. Plantas medicinales especies y propiedades menta mentha. Among the plant products with potential use in the pharmaceutical essential oils area promising class. An updated overview on peppermint mentha piperita l. It undoubtedly possesses marked antiseptic properties. Essential oil of mentha piperita was analyzed by gc and gcms and evaluated for in vitro antifungal activity against dreschlera spicifera, fusarium oxysporum f.

Menta, piperita, menta inglesa, menta negra familia. Pdf morfoanatomia del genero mentha mentheae, nepetoideae. It is used to help treat the common cold, to calm inflammations and. Cultivadas en paraguay1 cultivated species of mentha l. Used in the treatment of gastrodynia, flatulent colic, hysteria, spasms or cramps of the stomach, to allay the griping of cathartics, to check nausea and vomiting, and to disguise the. Peppermint is a powerful diffusive stimulant, antispasmodic, carminative, stomachic, and weak anodyne. Peppermint is quite frequently contaminated with spearmint and. Open the microsoft office program you are using word, merge 2 pdf files online free excel, publisher ing mentha piperita propiedades medicinales pdf microsoft publisher. Plantas medicinales especies y propiedades hierbabuena.

Article pdf available in international research journal of pharmacy 28. Kundnani college of pharmacy, worli, mumbai 18 1research centre, ajanta pharma ltd. Peppermint mentha piperita is a popular herb that can be used in numerous forms ie, oil, leaf, leaf extract, and leaf water. It is a fragrant perennial plant with stems up to four feet tall and square. Evaluation of hepatoprotective potential of mentha piperita l. It has a pleasant taste and is a popular flavoring for food and drink.

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